Client Brief
For the launching of the BMW EV iX and i4. To produce two shootouts, focus on the target market of initiators/Eco-sensitive, health & design-conscious performers, high achievers/youthful, sporty, and enthusiastic hedonists.
Digital-first extension of classic SOC campaign communication with a focus on innovations and details. For each shootout, the photographer must add their flair when shooting the car. Poll on the BMW channels.
Concept for
Visual Translation
To blend the existing archive of sustainability project photos captured by the photographer with the upcoming photoshoot featuring the new EV car, creating the desired ambiance for the target audience of climate change enthusiasts who are motivated by a desire to protect the planet and future generations from the adverse effects of climate change.
The selected images include the wind turbine farm from Germany and the snowdrift from Greenland.
All rights reserved @ Luca Locatelli