The Ideas we came up with
Automobili Lamborghini - Sustainability Video
Automobili Lamborghini commissioned a video detailing that they wanted to show what they are doing to safeguard the world and the environment as a key element of conduct for their industrial agenda.
The Company pursues a specific business strategy based on the concept of ESG (Environment, Social and Governance values), which describes how sustainability is found where three factors come together: environmental impact, social impact, and the more internal aspects of Company structure and governance.
We were asked to write a script based on the sustainable action undertaken by the company and then film inside the factory and inside the Lamborghini Park also called “Bosco delle Querce” (Oakland Forest) Biodiversity Park, that was inaugurated in spring 2011.
This is the idea we came up with.
BASF - From the Future, visions and images from our tomorrow
With the campaign 'From the Future, visions and images from our tomorrow' BASF and Future Studies Lab - Luca Locatelli intend to give a different projection. A new time, with innovation and technology to support humanity as it strives to meet the challenges of the millennium. A transition towards a model in which economy and environment coexist in harmonious balance, in the very spaces where the majority of people live: our cities.
Lamborghini Sustainability Days - Automobili Lamborghini
Lamborghini commissioned a set of images that could describe their effort to be one of the most sustainable company in the world. On the occasion of Earth Day, Automobili Lamborghini receives the Green Star award in 2021. The award is given annually by the German Institute for Quality and Finance (ITQF) in collaboration with the Institute for Management and Economic Research (IMWF) of Hamburg, which carry out complex and detailed online research to determine the companies that are most committed to green economy strategies, with the specific intent of minimizing industrial impact in full respect for the environment and society.
Luisa Via Roma - MY EARTH IS BEATING (Sardinia)
Under its open-air "reanimation tent", a svmbol of the fires that have devastated Sardinia and Montiferru, the thousand year-old olive tree of Cuglieri is now fighting for its survival. Until three months ago people came to its presence to touch its branches and take in the eternity it embodies. Nowadav many leave notes of stubborn hope: "You are a living soul, please recover". "The fires are not an isolated case but a signal for the Mediterranean" explains Valentina Bocciu, a researcher at the CNR, "the crops are backward, the forest areas are growing as well as the aridity: the flames find fuel and the burning season has lengthened by a month". Meanwhile, botanists Ignazio Camarda and Gianluigi Bacchetta have devised a structure to retain moisture and try to save the plant. "It won't come back the wav it was, but The Patriarch will live!
Originally produced for MY EARTH IS BEATING #myEIB, a photo collection for climate by @luisaviaroma and #LVRSustainable, narrated and edited by journalist Raffaele Panizza.
Luisa Via Roma - MY EARTH IS BEATING (Senegal)
A path is carved across the water, and with every two steps, a mangrove's propagule is planted with bare hands in the delta.
Within a month, before the heavv rains are due, a new leaf will be born.
On May 27, the environmental workers of @ong_oceanium planted 10 hectares of mangroves among the canals of Mbissel in Central Senegal - part of the largest reforestation projects ever attempted on the continent.
Mangroves are intended as an ecological and human bulwark, with their ability (three times greater than tropical forests) to capture CO2 responsible for climate change, to stop coastal erosion, to give shelter and sustenance to animal species, food for local communities and filter the ocean waters protecting the crops in front of them.
Each hectare of mangrove, acting as a nesting site, guarantees 100 kg of fish for local population.
The hand of man, when it does not rip or destroy, knows how to cultivate its future.